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XYZ Diamond Alternate Names:
XYZ Diamond
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Joe Power
Joe Power
Paper: Square
Pieces: 6
Cuts: No
Glue: No
Rating (Average)

4.0000 (1 ratings)
Difficulty (Average)

5.0000 (1 ratings)

About this Model
This planar model is made by joining together six flat triangle-shaped units in such a way as to create the appearance of three diamond-shaped planes intersecting each other. This is achieved by using two units each of three different colors and connecting them so that units of like color are always on the same plane.
tgritter -- Ratings |
This is a beautiful model but I found it very challenging to make. The units were not difficult to fold, and the first two or three steps of the assembly went well, but the assembly became more and more difficult as I tried to add the remaining units. This could be due to the use of foil paper. I will try this model sometime with a different paper. Meanwhile, the foil does look nice. The reflective quality of the foil creates an optical illusion -- that your x-ray vision can see the purple plane passing through the silver plane to the other side, and also the green plane passing through the purple plane to the other side. This enhances the overall illusion of three intersecting diamond-shaped planes.

Instructions may be found in the following
Amazing Geometric Origami : page 66.

Amazing Geometric Origami
Page 66 (14 Steps)

Diag:Yes CP:No Video:Yes
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Folded by Teresa Ritter
Photo: Teresa Ritter